MR-A® Diluent Special Leptospira

Ref. 0060-001


Technical Data

Diluyente específico para el control de la Leptospirosis en granjas contaminadas.


Leptospirosis is an infectious disease that affects all animal species, including swine. It is a zoonotic disease and can also be transmitted to humans.

It causes serious economic losses since, together with PRRS, parvovirus and erysipelas, it is one of the major causes of reproductive problems in pigs.

Why and how to use MR-A® Antileptospira?

  • Important to stop the spread and transmission of the disease within the farm. Leptospira colonizes the seminal vesicles of pigs, contaminating semen and sows that are inseminated with that semen.
  • Antibiotic combinations of conventional diluents are not capable of complete control of Leptospires in semen.
  • It should be used continuously or at least for a long period of time until the disease is stabilized within the farm.